Rochester Precision Optics (RPO) offers both off the shelf and customized, glass molded collimating lenses, specifically designed to meet the demanding needs of the sporting optics market. RPO’s array of aspheric collimating lenses are now available for purchase and in most cases immediate shipment to systems integrators directly from RPO’s newly refreshed website
Custom injection molder C&J Industries located in Meadville, Pennsylvania, recently acquired a 220-ton Nissei two-shot press. This is an incredible piece of machinery that will allow them to accommodate jobs which they may have had to previously turn down.
In today’s economy, plagued by increased overhead and general inflation of goods and services, seeking out all avenues to increase profit margins is critical to keeping businesses operating and profitable. While some costs are fixed and do not allow room for adjustment, an often-overlooked strategy to find hidden profit potential is in evaluating shipping insurance options with third party insurers like Shippers Insurance Program.

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